When shareholders of cement maker, Lafarge Africa Plc meet at the Annual General Meeting on April 21, 2022, directors will seek their approval under special business, the consideration and cancellation of 3.892bn unissued ordinary shares.
Following from the approval in line with the requirements of the Companies and Allied Matters Act 2020 and the Companies Regulations 2021, as it relates to unissued shares of company, the shareholders are further expected to pass a resolution such that amend Clause 6 of the company’s Memorandum of Association.
It will, thereafter, read: ‘The share capital of the Company is N8,053,897,860.50 divided into 16,107,795,721 ordinary shares of 50k each.”
The meeting will also vote on approval for the directors to “enter into and execute agreements, deeds, notices or any other documents, and to perform all acts and to do all such other things necessary for or incidental to giving eff ect to Resolution 9(a) above, including without limitation, appointing such professional parties, consultants and advisers and complying with the directives of the regulatory authorities.”