Moody’s Affirms AfDB’s AAA Credit Rating, Stable Outlook

Moody’s Investor Service has affirmed the African Development Bank’s AAA credit rating, with a stable outlook, a profile it said in an annual credit analysis dated 27 October 2020, “is supported by the bank’s robust capital buffers and superior risk management, which mitigate risks.”

It noted the group’s ample liquidity buffer and unfettered access to international capital markets, which it noted, also supports the group’s ability to meet its debt-service obligations.

“Moreover, the bank has a long track record of being the premier development institution in Africa and benefits from shareholders’ ability and willingness to support its development objectives, exemplified by the significant contributions of highly rated non-regional member countries,” he stressed.

Commenting on the latest rating, Dr. Akinwumi Adesina, President of the AfDB Group said “the AAA rating by Moody’s validates the strength of the Bank’s prudent financial and risk management and strong governance systems even in the face of tough challenges imposed by the Covid-19 pandemic. The extraordinary support of the Bank’s shareholders boosts our capacity to finance African countries. We will continue to manage risks and capital requirements adequately to help African countries to build their economies back better and faster, while assuring economic, health and climate resilience”.

Swazi Tshabalala, Acting Senior Vice President, Vice President for Finance and Chief Finance Officer at the group linked the rating to “the solid backing of its shareholders and strong financial profile, the African Development Bank is rated triple-A with stable outlook by all the major international rating agencies”.

The ‘AAA’ rating from Moody’s, Nafissatou N’diaye Diouf, Acting Director Communication and External Relations at the bank added, follows earlier affirmations of the ‘AAA’ rating of the Bank, with stable outlook, by the other leading rating agencies, namely Fitch Ratings, Standard and Poor’s Global Ratings and Japan Credit Rating Agency.