NSE Restates Commitment To Improved Investor Experiences In Nigeria’s Capital Market

The Nigerian Stock Exchange (NSE) says it remains committed to redefining and improving the overall experience of investors in the Nigerian capital market, while ensuring that it is modern, convenient and secure.

Speaking at a webinar at the inaugural webinar for Retail Investors hosted by The Exchange, in collaboration with the Nigerian International Securities Limited (NISL) on Monday, September 21, 2020, Chief Executive of the NSE, Oscar Onyema, said “investor participation is central to the growth and sustainable development of any economy.”

The Exchange, he continued, is also “committed to facilitating conversations that will expound on the retail investment opportunities available in the capital market and the channels through which they can be accessed. 

“Today, our determination to develop the market and strengthen investor confidence has birthed a number of technology driven solutions that allow investors to conveniently trade electronically in an increasing array of product offerings that includes Equities, Bonds, ETFs and other Collective Investment Schemes.”

The NSE, he assured further, will “continue to take advantage of the vast opportunities to equip existing and potential investors with the necessary skills to effectively manage and grow the financial resources at their disposal.”

On his part, the Managing Director of NISL, Laolu Martins, acknowledged the NSE’s consistent pioneering of “far-reaching innovations within the Nigerian capital market, positively driving market integrity, boosting both investor confidence and market participation.”

He highlighted the efforts of the NISL to create wealth for investors via an appropriate mix of securities using well spelt out market research to help investors meet their financial objectives. In doing so, he provided an analysis of the investment instruments available on NSE including equities, bonds, REITS, Closed-Ended Funds, ETFs, etc.

The event also featured a presentation on the importance of Market Data in making investment decisions by the Head, Market Services, NSE, Olufemi Balogun. It would be recalled that The Exchange recently released an upgrade to its X-DataPortal. The revamped portal has been designed to serve as a principal source for brokers, fund managers, research analysts, other professionals and non-professional participants like students and investors to get quality real-time and reference data reports for analysis, research and reporting purposes. Mr. Balogun encouraged investors at the webinar to access the information via https://dataportal.nse.com.ng.

The Exchange has showed its clear determination to ensure that investors have a better understanding and appreciation of investment products offered in the Nigerian capital market in its efforts to become Africa’s preferred Exchange hub.

The upswing in market activities in the 2020 Q2 is a testament to the resilience of the market as a result of concerted efforts of The Exchange. As at the end of August 2020, the NSE All Share Index had recorded an 18.9% increase from its position at the end of March, 2020.

In addition, the market also witnessed a growth in the percentage value of equity transactions contributed by retail investors, currently at 29% from the 21.8% recorded in 2018 and 24.72% recorded in 2019.