SEC Holds Third Capital Market Com’tee Meeting Nov 11

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is set to hold the Third Capital Market Committee (CMC) meeting in 2021 between Thursday, November 11 and Friday 12, 2021 virtually through Zoom with key stakeholders in the capital market and an interface with the press.

Expected participants at the meeting include Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) of all registered capital market firms (Broker/Dealers, Investment Advisers, Custodians, Fund/Portfolio Managers, Receiving Banks, Issuing Houses, Rating Agencies, and Registrars. Also expected are: Reporting Accountants, Trustees, and Capital Market Consultants, etc.); Chief Executive Officers of: Nigerian Exchange Group (NGX), National Association of Securities Dealers (NASD); FMDQ Group Plc; Africa Exchange Holdings (AFEX); Nigeria Commodity Exchange (NCX); Central Securities Clearing System (CSCS); as well as representatives of relevant financial sector  regulatory agencies, among others.

During the meeting, issues bordering on implementation of the 10-Year Capital Market Master Plan, implementation of the Fintech Roadmap, the commodities trading ecosystem roadmap as well as other salient matters relating to the capital market and the economy would be discussed.

The CMC was primarily established to serve as a medium for exchange of ideas among market stakeholders as well as an avenue for providing feedback to the SEC on how to continuously address challenges, improve market operations and enhance the regulatory framework. It is an industry-wide committee comprising members of the SEC, representatives of capital market operators and trade groups and other stakeholders. The CMC meets every quarter.

The Commission had unveiled the ten-year Capital Market Master Plan (CMMP) in November 2014 and has continued to implement the initiatives, which are designed to reposition the Nigerian Capital Market as an attractive investment destination and a critical facilitator of capital formation for the accelerated growth and development of the Nigerian economy.

Some of the CMMP initiatives alreadt implemented include: Direct Cash Settlement, regularisation of multiple subscriptions, dematerialization of share certificates, and the introduction of the e-Dividend Management System. The CMMP initiatives have helped in promoting transparency, protecting investors and enhancing market confidence. The objectives of the CMMP are also in consonance with the Federal Government’s economic strategy, focused on encouraging a private sector-led economy to drive inclusive growth.